«SIAM Welltest» complex IT system was tested at the premises of “Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center” in April 2019.
The reviewers were 2 experts of the department of scientific methodological support for development and professional growth of Gazpromneft STC LLC Mazhar V.A. and Kotezhekov V.S.
The system was tested in two stages. Firstly, the analysis of filtration model accuracy in comparison with «Ecrin Saphir» was conducted. On the second stage of testing the analysis of available functionality for modelling and interpretation of pressure transient analysis was performed.
During the first stage a good convergence of indicators in terms of the standard sample was achieved:
«Analyzing the process of model curve loading, a quite convenient and clear interface of «SIAM Welltest» complex IT system can be mentioned. It should be noted that the functions of the given complex IT system approximate to those of «Ecrin Saphir». The diagnostic models of filtration, definite reservoir characteristics and skin zone are fairly close to the standard.»
When analyzing the functionality of the application, some advantages as well as some features to be improved were identified. Such functions as the opportunity to model well interference, auto hydraulic-fractures were mentioned as distinctive characteristics. As for drawbacks, the absence of numerical and nonlinear modelling was noted. The inability of integration of «SIAM WellTest» with «Ecrin Saphir» was described as one of the main disadvantages:
«The inability of integration of «SIAM WellTest» with «Ecrin Saphir» work files, such as opening/saving of files, should also be noted. This fact complicates the possible integration of «SIAM WellTest» into «Gaspromneft» industrial processes».
As a result of conducted tests a number of positive qualities of the «SIAM WellTest» software product were noted. The application developers were also assigned a number of tasks related to the improvement of the interface, functionality, and compatibility with other products noted in this review.
Siam Geotest has released the SiamWellTest 2.0.4 update with new functionality and with improvement of the current functionality.
We are pleased to inform you that we have released an update for SiamEngy, a multi-tool application for solving the day-to-day tasks of oil and gas engineers.
Siam Geotest has released the SiamWellTest 2.0.3 update with new functionality. We have also improved the interface and fixed the operation of the application.