The numerical simulation module for single-phase filtration has been developed. This module will be included in the second generation of SiamWellTest. The control volume method is used with the generation of an unstructured irregular grid (Voronoi grid) to solve the differential diffusivity equation.
Currently, the following functionality has been developed:
A Biconjugate gradient stabilized method (BiCGStab) with ILU preconditioning is used to solve a system of linear equations. Linearization is performed using the Newton-Raphson method in the case of solving a system of nonlinear equations.
A similar analytical calculation was performed to verify the numerical simulation. The pressure at the well bottom-hole was checked. Single-phase linear filtration was checked in the time interval from 1e-5 to 1e+5 h divided into 101 time values. The grid consisting of 804 cells was generated for numerical modeling. The average error relative to the analytical calculation is 0.48%.
In addition to checking with the analytical calculation, a compare was made with another numerical simulator, which was accepted as a reference. The time interval from 1e-5 to 1e+5 h was divided into 354 time values. The grids of the developed module and the reference simulator are shown below. The number of cells in the reference simulator was 813. The average error relative to the reference simulator is 0.23%. The calculation time of the developed numerical solution turned out to be comparable with the reference simulator.
Siam Geotest has released the SiamWellTest 2.0.4 update with new functionality and with improvement of the current functionality.
We are pleased to inform you that we have released an update for SiamEngy, a multi-tool application for solving the day-to-day tasks of oil and gas engineers.
Siam Geotest has released the SiamWellTest 2.0.3 update with new functionality. We have also improved the interface and fixed the operation of the application.