The Siam Well Test 2.0 Development Report


We are finishing the work on the second version of the Siam Well Test. We will announce the release date is the near future. The current version of the software includes the following modules:

  • Pressure and rate preparation module;
  • Pressure conversion module;
  • PVT module;
  • Map module;
  • Pressure and rate generation module;
  • PTA module;
  • RTA module;
  • IPR module;
  • Comparison of data and analysis module;
  • DB connection module (SiamOS).

They are independent from each other and can be used both separately and together. Right now our team is working on debugging user interface and on the mechanics for mutual module integration.

Soon we will open a testing of Siam Well Test 2.0.

If you want to get an access to online version, leave a request in the feedback block with a «SWT 2.0 BETA TEST» and we will contact you.